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Employer Services

Our One-Stop Center is a valuable resource for business and employer information. Our employer representatives provide customized, no-cost, or low-cost assistance to all businesses, including start-ups! Businesses are able to access a variety of services specifically designed to increase their competitiveness and to grow their bottom line.

Job Postings

Let us post your job openings using the California Employment Development Department's Internet-based CalJOBS. Our staff can help you target your listing to maximize the result you want. Listings can be obtained over the telephone, by fax or through the online form below. 

Job Order Printable Form

Job Order Online Form


Please complete the form above by clicking on the Job Order Form. Once the form is completed please email or fax to (530) 749-4858 and write attention to Purnia Burke at the top of the form.

Recruitment of Skilled Job Seekers

By continuously assessing the skills of local job seekers and working closely with private and public training providers, we have firsthand knowledge of the local labor resources available to assist you in meeting your skilled labor needs. We offer pre-screening and referral services to help you connect with qualified applicants without a major disruption to your daily business activities.


The Conference, Workshop, and Meeting Facilities 

If you prefer to conduct meetings, workshops, or interviews at an off-site location, we can provide you with the space and equipment you need! Large and small conference rooms can be reserved for a low-cost fee. Each room can be equipped with the internet, television, DVD or VHS, and Audio & Video Conference capabilities. Contact our Business Services office at (530) 749-4846 to schedule your activity and discuss your equipment needs! 

Business Training

Do you need to provide training to a group of employees, build new skills or upgrade existing skill sets? Our staff can assist you in assessing what training needs you have and work in cooperation with local training providers to develop a customized training solution to meet your needs.

Tax Credit Information

There are many tax credits and tax incentives available to eligible businesses and their employees. Ask us how the Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC), Enterprise Zone, and Earned Income Tax Credits might help provide significant savings for you and your employees.

Labor Market Information

Access employment and economic information such as industry projections, employment statistics, wage information, and labor force analysis. Knowledgeable staff is available to assist you in finding the information you are looking for and adapting it to your specific needs.

Labor Market Research Websites: EDD Labor Market InformationAmerica's Career InfoNet

Training Cost Reimbursement

Financial incentives to offset the expense of employing and training eligible individuals through our On-The-Job-Training and Work Experience programs can benefit employers by placing job seekers who want to learn new skills with employers who are willing to train them. 

Jobs for Youth

Young job seekers, at times, find it difficult to connect with the workforce due to their general lack of experience. We have an experienced staff that works directly with young people and businesses in our area, providing assistance to both parties and achieving a mutually beneficial working relationship. If you are interested in hiring one of our local young people, contact us to see how we may help you.
Downsizing, Layoffs & Closures
Our Rapid Response team will come to your location, regardless of the area to assist you and your employees in dealing with issues related to a facility closure or employee layoff. We partner with EDD and various local agencies to provide on-site orientations with one-on-one and group contact. We can even assist company representatives and employees in advance of the layoff date to develop transitional services.
Contact information: 
Business Services Representative
Purnia Burke